Poets from 7 countries will write poems for the Women’s Market, in the time-frame of a three-day-long poetic workshop.
„Sofia’s Metaphors (Women’s Market)” will be held from the 25th to the 27th of September on the territory of the oldest market in Bulgaria.
Poets, translators and culture managers from 7 European countries, including Bulgaria will create poetry about the Women’s Market as a part of a three-day long international workshop “Sofia’s Metaphors (Women’s Market)”. From the 25th to the 27th of September on the territory of our oldest market different poetic events will take place.
The culmination will be on the 26th of September, 2019 – Thursday, at 11:00 AM when after the official opening of the poetic camp, the participants will dress in rhymes their impressions of the Women’s Market in especially chosen for the purpose poetic entries (see the exact places in the attached programme).
On the 27th of September, Friday, at 6:00 PM in Art Gallery Serdica will be presented the created poems-metaphors about the Women’s Market in front of the Bulgarian audience.
The goal of the international poetic workshop is to popularize abroad the cultural heritage and culture of our capital, which is one of the reasons the organizers have chosen for the place of the event exactly the Women’s Market. Through similar poetic events, the relationships and attitudes between Bulgarian and European culture and art are encouraged, and they also contribute to enriching and variegating Sofia’s cultural life.
In the workshop, the following poets will take place:
Martin Solotruk (Slovakia), Martina Strakova (Slovakia), Jermain Drogenbrod (Belgium/Spain), Tom Phillips (Great Britain), H Мартин Солотрук (Словакия), Мартина Стракова (Словакия), Жермен Дрогенброд (Белгия/ Испания), Том Филипс (Великобритания/ България), Hairi Hamdan (Palestine/Bulgaria), Giokchenur Chelebioglu (Turkey), Marton Shimon (Hungary), Christin Dimitrova (Bulgaria), Petar Chuhov (Bulgaria), Boiko Lambovski (Bulgaria), Dimana Ivanova (Bulgaria), Nikolai Boikov (Bulgaria), and Ivan Hristov (Bulgaria).
The event is carried out with the support of the program Culture at Capital’s Municipality, The Embassy of the Slovakian Republic in Sofia, and Markets “Revival.” Hungary’s participation is carred out with the cooperation of the Hungarian Cultural Institute at the Embassy of Hungary in Sofia and with the financial support of the Program Publishing Hungary – Institute Balashi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and External Economical Connections of Hungary.
26-27 September, Sofia 2019
26 September 2019, Thursday
11.00 AM
Oficial opening of the poetic camp „Sofia’s Metaphors (Women’s Market)” in Art Gallery Serdica
Conduct of the poetic camp „Sofia’s Metaphors (Women’s Market)”.
(Our poets will visit four iconic for the Women’s Market place, and there in each place, in the time frame of 30 minutes, they will have the task to compose a poem, dedicated to that place. The places will be photographed, and afterwards, the pictures will be displayed during the poems’ presentations.)
Poetic entries:
- The entrance of the Women’s Market from “Exarch Joseph” Str
- The garden with the drinking fountain between building 6 and building 7 – before Serbian Barbecue Grill
- The garden at the school in front of building 11
- The entrance to the Women’s Market from Lion’s Bridge
27 September 2019, Friday
06.00 PM
International poetic reading „Sofia’s Metaphors (Women’s Market)” in Art Gallery Serdica at the Women’s Market
(In the course of 2 hours, the poets will have the chance to present in front of Sofia’s audience the works created during the poetic camp, in their native language as well as translated in Bulgarian. The photos taken during the camp will be displayed during the reading.)