Art Gallery Serdica presents „FRIENDS“

Art Gallery Serdica presents „FRIENDS“

The first dynamic exhibition of the friends Stefan Petrunov, Sonia Kovatcheva and J.PANK

Period: 11 September – 18 October 2019 г.
VERNISSAGE: 11 September 2019, on Wednesday, at 06:30 PM

For the first time, Art Gallery Serdica will show the works of three absolutely different artists in a dynamic exhibition, in which a part of the paintings will be replaced during the one-month exposition. FRIENDS gathers Stefan Petrunov, Sonia Kovatcheva and J.PANK /Jordan Pankov/ – artists and friends, under the concept of Stefan Stoyanov, curator of the exposition. The three of them exhibit together for the first time, everyone bringing his feelings and thoughts, seemingly very different, they are united by the idea to allure the audience exactly by their gathering in one place.

Art Gallery Serdica opens its doors for FRIENDS from the 11 th of September, to the 18 th of October, 2019 with themes and plots envisioned by the artists Stefan Petrunov, Sonia Kovatcheva and J. PANK/Jordan Pankov/.

The Vernissage is on the 11 th of September, Wednesday, at 06:30 PM.

Most of the works, which the three artists will exhibit in Art Gallery Serdica at the Women’s Market are created during the last year and they have not been presented in front of an audience.

Stefan Petrunov will take part in the exhibition with faces and figures upon large-size canvases. One of the series in gray-black colors and a blue rectangle which is positioned in front of the faces of the representations will be in contrast with the other series of blazing and expressive representations.
Sonia Kovatcheva will present a series, on which she has worked for the last few years. These are the picturesque creations of “P&P” and “Bonnie and Clyde”, swans from the park Bachinovo. “Delight for the Senses” will be introduced and a few other new themes which have moved the author in the recent year.
J.PANK will present in the exhbition his distinctivе representations, themes, and plots upon colorful prints and small-size canvases.

Stefan Petrunov
Stefan Petrunov was born in Sofia. In 1990 he obtains a specialty “Art of Painting” in the National Academy of Arts, and in 1993 is his first independent exhibition in Grove Gallery London. He develops in the field of graphic design and works for international companies for digital art, such as Canadian New Vision Technology, NVTECH-Саnada, ICYGEN corp.USA and Swan Multimedia Ltd.
He returns to painting in 2008. In his works, he uses painting, collage, video installations. Distinctive of him is the philosophical aspect and psychological portraits. He takes parts in exhibitions in Germany, Tokyo, New York, and London. He is awarded “Marco Polo – Messenger of Art” – Venice, 2015 and in 2013 he was awarded for the best presented artist by the International Exhibition
for Contemporary Art – Barcelona. He has participated in a lot of group exhibitions such as 2018 – “We Contemporary Palermo”; 2017 – “Anima Mundi” – art festival accompanying the Venetian Biennial. His last independent exhitbitions are 2018 – Geshov Gallery, 2017 – Gols Gallery, Vienna, and 2016 – Analogies in Arosita Gallery. He is also an active participant in festivals and projects for contemporary art in Bulgaria and abroad.

Sonia Kovatcheva
Sonia Kovatcheva obtained a specialty in Textile, in the National Academy of Arts, and she owns a Doctor’s degree in Art and Graphic Arts. Sonia Kovatcheva is a contemporary artist and in her last years, her personal experiences are the basis of her creativity. What drives her are the emotion and the feeling, represented in an image. In her own way she reflects a given moment, a stage in life, a place or an event. “To me the most important thing is the emotion and the true feeing, I bring them to the front. The techniques and materials I use are different in every theme I work on. I choose techniques which will serve me best to express my feeling…” says Sonia Kovatcheva. That can be traced in her independent exhibitions: 2018 – Focus: Paris, Blagoevgrad, Munich, Blagoevgrad’s City Gallery, 2017 – Parisian Challenges – game with representations – Arosita Gallery, 2016 – Frottages Villa Waldberta – Goethe Institute, Sofia, 2013 – Frottages Villa Waldberta in Munich, 2013 – Villa
Waldberta – the Spirit of Ornaments – Arosita Gallery; 2010 Parisian Daries – Arosita Gallery. She has got also a number of participations in Bulgarian and international forums, curator projects, planners and exhibitions for contemporary art, among which the worldwide project “Imago mundi” – Venice, “Frottages,” Villa Waldberta and the Cultural Department of the City of Munich, where she received a grant (2012/2013) and Gallery GEDOCmuc, Munich, Center for Contemoprary Art, Nish, Serbia, and others. She is also an active participant in festivals for contemporary art in Blagoevgrad, Sofia, and others.

J.PANK /Jordan Pankov/
J.PANK obtains a specialty Graphics in the National Academy of Arts. He is a specific contemporary artist, who for almost ten years has used in his works some  plots and elements from world masterpieces which are stolen or have disappeared. His work is focused on the presentation of commentary and the substitution of the visual language, conformed with the contemporary understanding of popular
culture. J.PANK shares about his works: “In their majority – those are references to very expensive or really priceless works, which however are not there… Of course, the works I create have to bear the spirit of the time we live in, to be obvious that it’s a contemporary reading, an interpretation from today’s point of view. Today it’s as if the time for perception is limited to the minimum, and if
something does not attract him in the work, the spectactor immediately proceeds to the next object. A few seconds…” The consecutive line and style of the author are visible in the series LOST, REPLACE, RETURN, NEW READING и J.PANK&APELLES, as in total his work in the last few years has been represented in July 2019 in the /J.PANKpresents/ in the Raiko Alexiev Gallery. In 2016
Arosita Gallery represents the exposition RETURN, which includes paintings and drawings, versions of the disappeared works from the biggest theft in contemporary history (26 years ago, on 18.03.1990) from the museum Isabella Stewart Gardner. In 2013 he makes a limited edition of linoprints – REPLACE, again by destroyed masterpieces and sends them to 10 worldfamous people. The
series LOST is iconic for J.PANK presenting TOP 20 of the most expensive masterpieces that disappeared. The twenty pictures (acryl on canvas) are exhibited in 2011 in the National Gallery of Art.

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